CKI Vision/Mission & Values Statement
Our Vision:
We envision a day in our community when hunger is not a barrier for people to lead productive lives and reach their fullest potential.
Our Mission:
To be a community organization where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, receives food, and feels comfortable asking for help.
Our Values:
The Priority of Food: We believe that all persons must first have their food needs met before they can reach their fullest potential.
Hospitality: All are welcome at the table and received with warm hospitality no matter their circumstances or choices.
Dignity: We treat each guest with respect and act in ways that preserve dignity and privacy.
Excellence: We are committed to continuous improvement of our services and accountability to our supporters.
We envision a day in our community when hunger is not a barrier for people to lead productive lives and reach their fullest potential.
Our Mission:
To be a community organization where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, receives food, and feels comfortable asking for help.
Our Values:
The Priority of Food: We believe that all persons must first have their food needs met before they can reach their fullest potential.
Hospitality: All are welcome at the table and received with warm hospitality no matter their circumstances or choices.
Dignity: We treat each guest with respect and act in ways that preserve dignity and privacy.
Excellence: We are committed to continuous improvement of our services and accountability to our supporters.